Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Que tal el dia de ayer?
Ayer fue un día estupendo. Tom regreso a casa temprano para tomarnos las fotos y enviar los pasaportes tal y como lo especificaba la carta recibida del consulado. Los dos estábamos super contentos con la buena nueva y se nos notaba. Luego de tomadas las fotografías fuimos al correo a poner los pasaportes y las fotos, estando seguros de que el envió fuera "over night" o expreso. A esta hora, el envió esta en New York, listo para ser entregado al consulado en cualquier momento, según el rastreo que acabo de hacer.
Gracias Andres V. por el excelente montaje.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Extra!!! Extra!!!!!
Esta mañana recibimos la carta del consulado pidiendo los pasaportes y fotos para finalizar el proceso!!! Ya solo nos falta ir a Toronto, hacer el "landing" o cruzar la frontera, que hace efectivas las visas y solicitar el numero de seguro social y las tarjetas de residencia permanente.
Nos parece mentira que hayamos viajado por el proceso en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
Canada, allá vamos!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Waiting Is The Hardest Part
I always liked that Tom Petty song and now I am living it. So much of immigration is waiting. So now we are waiting for that letter to come in the mail from the consulate so we can plan our next trip to Toronto to land. At the same time this week the US Department of Injustice filed it's vile brief seeking to deport my sweet Emilio. It's filled with garbage and insults to a person's intelligence. The amount of time and waste the US government goes to discriminate against us is mind boggling. I cannot stress enough to any binational couple reading this blog to have a backup plan. Canada was ours as far back as 2004 and it became our primary plan in 2006 and the timing could not have been better for us. It was mere coincidence we got news of our acceptance into Canada the same week as the end of the line for Emilio's asylum appeals, we're lucky, others weren't as fortunate like our friends Gito and Juan. Read their archives of the time they were separated and I dare you not to cry.
This process has also gave us wonderful new friends, some of their blogs are all listed in this page and each has been wonderful support both on and off the pages of this blog. Now we need some new members of our blog family to start their process so we can help you along the way too.
So life goes on and today a couple more realtors came throught the house. Emi and I took Katie (our super dog) out shopping for mums and mulch trying to live as normal a life as possible through all this craziness. Right now he's making another batch of home made tomato sauce with the remaining crop from our garden, along with sausage and meatballs. I am a lucky guy!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Cerca... muy cerca
"Estimado Señor:
Su aplicacion esta cerca de ser finalizada. Le enviaremos una carta pronto requiriendo sus pasaportes originales y fotos para poder completar el proceso. Si Usted esta siendo representado por un abogado / consultor y desea retirar directamente su pasaporte o si desea que le enviemos las visa por correo, debera enviarnos una carta indicando que su abogado / consultor no objeta la entrega y esta bien que le entreguemos las visas.
Gracias por su interes en Canada."
Oh no, Gracias a ti Canada!